GSHG Program Guide 2024
Historic Preservation Old Governor’s Mansion, Milledgeville March 8, 1:00p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Juniors will join us at Georgia’s Old Governor’s Mansion in Milledgeville to explore the importance of preserving the past. Girl Scouts will grow to understand why preservation is important and to recognize the significance of their own stories. Everyone registered will get a tour of the Old Governor’s Mansion Museum, and Juniors will leave having completed the GSHG’s Historic Preservation patch. $15 per Girl Scout Please register by February 21 Spring has sprung at the International City Farmers’ Market in Warner Robins! Bees are buzzing in farmers’ fields, plants used to make tea are in season, and it is time to sow seeds for fall harvests! Activities are inspired by the cooking badges and will include learning about locally grown foods! Make a snack for yourself using local, in-season produce. There will also be opportunities to purchase produce needed as ingredients for recipes in the cooking badges for ✓ ✓ Bee, Teas, and Seeds International Farmers Market April 17, 1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Earth Day Celebration! Camp Martha Johnston April 26, 12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Join us for some of your favorite camp activities, explore the camp at your own pace, and particiate in some fun Earth Day themed crafts. After the afternoon’s fun, your Girl Scouts will have the opportunity to compete in a recyclable boat race. Build a raft with recyclable plastics, cardboard, duct tape, and twine. Each group will nominate one Girl Scout to row their creation across the CMJ pool in our annual boat race! $8 per Girl Scout Please register by April 11 STEM and Skate Gray-8-Skate Center May 3, Join us at the Gray-8-Skate Center in Gray, Georgia, for a day of fun! Girl Scouts will start the day off with a STEM lesson to explore the science and math behind roller skating. Then enjoy some pizza and hit the roller rink for a day of fun! Registration price includes STEM lesson, pizza lunch, and roller skate rentals for Girl Scouts. Adults and additional siblings are welcome to join in the roller skating fun by renting their skates on site. $20 per Girl Scout Please register by February 19 ✓ Consider donating today! Any girl can qualify to become a member of the Daisy Society and receive a segment of the patch when the following criteria is met: When a donation of $25 or more is made in honor of a girl to Girl Scouts of Historic Georgia, the girl will receive a segment of the Daisy Society patch. One piece of the patch can be received each calendar year. Donation may be made during registration or at any time during the year. (Donations made other than at the time of registration will need to have a note accompanying them. The note needs to include the name of the girl the
different levels. $5 per Girl Scout Please register by April 3
Join the Daisy Society
gift is honoring and the girl’s troop number.) The patch will be mailed with the thank you acknowledgment to the Girl Scout.
Program Guide 2024-2025 | Your Year of Fun
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