GSHG Program Guide 2024
2024-2025 Program and Resource Guide
✓ ✓ ✓ Fun Your Year of
Gear up for cool field trips. Make forever friends. Be a part of the history.
Visit us online at or call 888-689-1912!
How to Use This Book
Table Of Contents
About GSHG page 6 Website Navigation Guide page 10 Program Registration page 18 GSHG Shops page 22 Programs, By Region Region 1, page 28 Region 2, page 30 Region 3, page 36 Region 4, page 40 Region 5, page 42 Region 6, page 44 Virtual, page 48 High Awards Training page 50 Adult Training page 54 Troop Year Planners page 56 Advertising Sponsors page 64 Throughout this book, you’ll see QR codes that will navigate you to our website! You can scan these by opening your phone’s camera app and pointing your camera at it! We have also made them clickable, so if you click the QR code it will take you to the same place as your phone!
Leaders and Volunteers: Use this guide to help you and your troop plan your year! Parents and Grown Ups: Explore this guide with your Girl Scout to find adventures for her and/or her troop! Girl Scouts: Pick the activities you think sound like fun!
If you see this icon, that means this event is already on our website and you can register for it right now!* Click the icon by the program you want attend to register for it! *As long as the registration date hasn’t passed!
Grade Levels
Each program in this book is designed for different grade and age levels. Please use this guide to find the events that are right for you!
DAISY Grades K-1
CADETTE Grades 6-8
BROWNIE Grades 2-3
SENIOR Grades 9-10
JUNIOR Grades 4-5
AMBASSADOR Grades 11-12
Program Guide 2024-2025 | Your Year of Fun
Here are some examples:
This event is called Design Divas and it will be held at the Athens office - you can read about it right here. As indicated by the green check icon, this event is already on our website - so you can sign up for it right now! This event is for Daisies and Brownies, as indicated by the Daisy Blue and the Brownie Brown Badges!
Design Divas Athens Office September 19, 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Daisy and Brownie Girls Scouts, your mission is to design and create! You are the creator and the mechanical engineer in these fun toy challenges. Sure, you’ll learn mechanical engineering principles, but most importantly- we’ll have fun! Create games, build fast cars, and make things leap and fly and go loopdiloo! At this Design Divas, we’ll work on our Daisy Board Game Design and Brownie Leap Bot badges! Adulting 101: Automotive Skills Camp Tanglewood August 24, 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Rev up your engines, Girl Scouts, because it’s time to dive into the exciting world of car care and basic car skills! Join us for a hands-on program designed to empower you with the knowledge and confidence to tackle any car-related challenge. From changing a tire to checking fluids and understanding basic car maintenance, this program is all about turning you into a car care pro! $15 per Girl Scout, $15 per adult Please register by August 9 ✓ Session 1: 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Session 2: 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Embrace possibility and come have an “elephant-astic” time during our 2024 Fall Product rally. Welcome back your sister Girl Scouts, make new friends, and discover our fall mascot, the Asian elephant! $3 per Girl Scout Please register by September 6 Embraceable You - Fall Product Rally Little House September 14 $8 per Girl Scout, $8 per adult Please register by September 5
Registration for this event ends on September 5, 2024!
Adulting 101 is going to be held at Camp Tanglewood!
As indicated by the green check icon, this event is already on our website - so you can sign up for it right now! This event is for Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors, as indicated by their respective badges.
Registration for this event ends on August 9, 2024!
For this example, this event wasn’t listed on our website at the time of publication, so it doesn’t have the green check icon. You can either scan the QR code on this region’s page to see if it’s been added since this book was published, or visit and scroll through our events!
Why these colors and shapes? Simply put, these are the colors and shapes that already represent these grade levels (Daisy badges are blue flowers, Brownie badges are brown triangles, Ambassador badges are gold frames and so on) so we’re just using them to get the information across in an easy-to-read way where we don’t have a lot of room! You’ll see this same legend on programs we advertise on our social media, too!
If you need help at any point, feel free to call our Customer Care Team at 888-689-1912!
Hey, Grown Up With a whole world of opportunities waiting for your Girl Scout, your guidance and support make a meaningful difference. To better help you introduce your Girl Scout to new, life changing and rewarding experiences, we have created a checklist of resources for you. As a Girl Scout, she’ll explore her potential, take on leadership positions, and even feel allowed to fail, dust herself off, and get up to try again. Dive right in with our helpful checklist to get your Girl Scout started for this new season! Caregiver Checklist: Read our Program Guide, and help her find programs she’ll enjoy. She’ll start making new friends in no time (and so will you!)
Explore myGS Stay up to date with your troop with the Volunteer Toolkit, and make sure you are opted in to our council communications! Make sure your girl is a registered member If you have insurance with CareSource, Peach State, or Amerigroup, you can register for free - and get a coupon for our local Girl Scout Shops!
Visit the Raising Awesome Girls Webpage Find tips and tricks to keep you doing what you do best.
Visit one of our GSHG Shops Girl math... if you buy a uniform you can also get a cute Girl Scout shirt as a treat!
Visit the Family Experience webpage Make new friends and share the Girl Scout Experience with the whole family!
Get to know your troop leaders Ask how you can support your troop!
Engage in the Girl Scout Product Programs Support your Girl Scout in learning new skills and gaining confidence!
Thinking about being a troop leader? Meet your Membership Team! We’d love to have you! Make sure you’re registered, too!
Be on the lookout for our weekly e-newsletter to stay up to date with us! It’s called 5 on Friday, and it will go straight to your email address around lunchtime!
If you need help at any point, feel free to call our Customer Care Team at 888-689-1912!
Program Guide 2024-2025 | Your Year of Fun
Girls are the heart of our organization.
We know there is a lot to learn when you first join Girl Scouts - but we’re here to help walk you through it! We encourage you to read this year’s Program Guide so you know what to expect within our council this school year!
Service Unit
Here is some Girl Scout lingo you should know!
Girl Scout: Usually refers to girls who are members of Girl Scouts, but all members of our organization are Girl Scouts - even dads and other adult volunteers! Troop: Girls can participate in Girl Scouts in a troop - a small group with at least two background checked and trained adult members called troop leaders. Volunteer: Volunteers are adult members who work with Girl Scouts - these volunteer positions range from being a troop leader, to being on their Service Unit Leadership Teams, to even being the cookie mom for your troop! Juliette/Independently Registered Member: Girls can also participate in Girl Scouts on their own as a Juliette - usually their parents facilitiate the badgework. You may see this refered to as an IRM (Independently Registered Member) or an IRG (Independently Registered Girl). Service Unit: Our troops are organized into Service Units - most Service Units have a team of adult members who help council staff get information dispersed to all of out troops. Service Units sometimes host events where multiple troops in the area can join! Region: Girl Scouts of Historic Georgia is divided into six regions - you’ll see more about that on page 7. You will also know what region someone is in in based on their troop number - for example, Troop 31912 would be in our Savannah region! Council: Girl Scouts of the United States of America (GSUSA) is organized into councils - there are over 100 Girl Scout councils in the United States. Girl Scouts of Historic Georgia (GSHG) includes Savannah, GA - where Girl Scouts was founded - and covers most of the state of Georgia. Girl Scouts of the United States of America: Girl Scouts of the United States of America (GSUSA) is our parent organization - headquartered now in New York City. Juliette Gordon Low: Juliette Gordon Low is our organization’s founder.
About Girl Scouts of Historic Georgia At Girl Scouts, girls will prepare for a lifetime of leadership, success, and adventure in a safe, no-limits place designed for and by girls! She’ll get to lead her own adventure (it’s her world!) and team up with other girls in an all-girl environment to choose the exciting, hands-on activities that interest her most. Girl Scouts of Historic Georgia is rich in heritage and purpose. The council extends from the North Georgia mountains to the Okefenokee and from the Atlantic coast to the Chattahoochee Valley. Girl Scouts of Historic Georgia serves more than 7,000 girls and 3,000 adults in 122 counties in Georgia, two counties in South Carolina, and one county in Alabama. The council is also the home of our organization’s founder, Juliette Gordon Low, who founded Girl Scouts on March 12, 1912 in Savannah, Georgia, where her birthplace and the historic First Headquarters still welcome thousands of Girl Scouts every year!
Girl Scout Promise
On my honor, I will try: To serve God* and my country, To help people at all times, And to live by the Girl Scout Law.
Girl Scout Law
I will do my best to be honest and fair, friendly and helpful,
considerate and caring, courageous and strong, and responsible for what I say and do, and to respect myself and others, respect authority, use resources wisely, make the world a better place, and be a sister to every Girl Scout.
*Members may substitute for the word God in accordance with their own spiritual beliefs.
Program Guide 2024-2025 | Your Year of Fun
Find Girl Scouts of Historic Georgia Near You!
Region 1: Athens/Gainesville Clementi L. Holder Service Center* 185 Newton Bridge Road Athens, GA 30607
White Habersham
Banks Franklin
Gainesville Service Center 535 Spring Street SE Gainesville, GA 30501
McDuf e
Jasper Putnam
Region 2: Augusta Augusta Service Center
Hampton County, SC
Ef ngham
Russell County, AL
Jasper County, SC
508 Shartom Drive Augusta, GA 30907
Jeff Davis
Ben Hill
Camp Tanglewood 4687 Columbia Road Martinez, GA 30813
Region 3: Savannah Girl Experience Center*
Region 5: Columbus Now Open! Dot’s Little House 1807 17th Street Columbus, GA 31901
535 E Liberty Street Savannah, GA 31401
Girl Scout First Headquarters* 330 Drayton Street Savannah, GA 31401
Camp Robert Lewis 937 Miller Road Fortson, GA 31808
Camp Low 1912 Rose Dhu Road Savannah, GA 31419
Region 6: Macon Sarah Bailey Service Center* 6869 Columbus Road Lizella, GA 31052
Region 4: Albany Albany Service Center 515 Pine Avenue Albany, GA 31701 Opening in October! Albany DreamLab
Camp Martha Johnston 1500 Girl Scout Road Lizella, GA 31052
2825 Ledo Road, Albany, GA 31707
*Indicates that there is also a brick-and-mortar council shop at this location.
GSHG Leadership Staff
Sue Else Chief Executive Officer
Cheryl Legette Chief Operating Officer
LaDon Shaw Chief Adancement Officer
Dee Dee Rivers Senior Director
Lorena Kirschner Senior Director of Program
of Membership and Volunteer Support
Tiffany Connolly Director of Volunteer Development
Susan Freeman Director of Product Program
Doc Holliday Director of Properties
Jackie Ramsey Director of Customer Care
Janelle VanReenan Director of Accounting
Jaci Bridges Regional Director Athens/Gainesville
Maria Ingegneri Regional Director Augusta
Tammy Williams Regional Director Savannah
Anne Martin Regional Director Albany and Columbus
Jade Hill Regional Director Macon
Program Guide 2024-2025 | Your Year of Fun
“I Don’t Know Who to Contact?!” We are a small but mighty team and many of our staff members wear a lot of hats! In a pinch, know that you can contact our Customer Care Team for help with any needs at 888-689-1912 or We strongly encourage you to also get to know the Membership Support Manager in your region! They will be your greatest resource for help with your troop, if you have questions about trainings or policies, and even just to bounce ideas off of!
You can view our full staff list online at - organized by region.
What do some of these titles mean, and how can we help?
Membership: Each region has a membership team consisting of a regional director, recruitment manager, and support manager - some regions may have more than one recruiter and support manager.
This department focuses on our members , recruiting them and maintaining them! Regional Director: Oversees membership efforts by offering volunteer support,
maintaining our policies and procedures, and reinforcing the Girl Scout Law.
Recruitment Manager: Plans and executes recruitment events and leads informative sessions for future Girl Scouts and their families. Support Manager: Supports volunteers, facilitates trainings, and maintains relationships with members.
Product Program: The product program team oversees the famous Girl Scout Cookie Program as well as the Fall Product Program - the programs in which Girl Scouts use products to raise funds for their troop. There is a product program manager in each regional service center who is the point of contact for sales, product and reward deliveries, and volunteer training for product programs. Program: Our program team is responsible for planning an executing the programs that Girl Scouts attend - in most cases, these programs are centered around activities that Girl Scouts must complete to earn specific badges (worn on the front of a vest or sash) or fun patches (worn on the back of a vest or sash), but sometimes are also just for fun - such as holiday parties and parades! Customer Care: The customer care team is here to assist you with any Girl Scout-related needs! They can help you with registering for events, making reservations at camp properties, answering questions, and directing you to the right point of contact for things that require extra attention. Fund Development: Our fund development team is responsible for how we fuel the female leadership pipeline! Under the supervision of LaDon Shaw, these specialists consist of our accountants, grant administrators, community engagement managers, and marketing teams. While these roles are a little more internal, there may be a few occasions where we may reach out to you for opportunities to participate at our signature events!
Join our team!
Working for Girl Scouts of Historic Georgia is about much more than a job. It’s about passion and commitment to help girls – all girls – grow into the best version of themselves. It’s about delivering leadership programs for girls, working side-by-side with volunteers to bring the Girl Scout mission to life and forming lasting partnerships in the community. If you are ready to embark on a challenging, yet rewarding, career, apply to any open position listed on our website!
Navigating the Website
The GSHG website,, is your #1 source for information. The pages with the information most relevant to you are just one click from our homepage! Use this guide to help you navigate! The Homepage The homepage of our website is divided into five main sections: 1. The Breaking News Banner is the banner across the top of the homepage. It will be different colors and lead to different pages of the website throughout the year - sometimes promoting an upcoming event, such as S’morevivor or Woman of Distinction, sometimes promoting recruiting efforts, and sometimes advertising important dates such as the beginning of cookie booths, office closures, or other need-to-know dates. 2. The Menu bar leads to all of the pages on the website. You will find more detail on the Menu bar on the next page. 3. The Quick Link cards will go the Girl Join page, the Volunteer Join page, and our donation page. These will not change locations, though we may change the colors or photos throughout the year. 4. The Program Guide banner will take you to our annual Program Guide! This link will be the same all year. 5. The Upcoming Events section will show a few of the upcoming events, as well as our event calendar. You can click through the months to see more events. To view all events, click the calendar icon in the top right corner of the website.
Program Guide 2024-2025 | Your Year of Fun
The Menu The Menu bar has several sections:
6. Like the Breaking News banner, the Barrel Message and link will change colors, messaging, and link destination throughout the year. 7. The GSHG servicemark is also a clickable link and will bring you back to the homepage no matter what page of the website you’re on.
10. The Menu icons are as follows: • myGS • Spanish • Search • FAQs • Forms and Documents • Events
8. The Shop button will take you to the GSHG shop page of the GSUSA shop website.
11. The website navigation tabs are as follows: • Discover • Get Involved • Cookies+ • Support Us • Members • Camp
9. The Donate button will take you directly to our Bloomerang donation page. From here you can choose how much you would like to donate to GSHG and if you would like to make a recurring monthly donation.
You will learn more about the menu icons and navigation tabs on the next pages.
Navigating the Website Tips and Tricks!
Our most important pages are just one click from our homepage!
If you run your mouse over the Menu bar, you’ll see that it will get a white, solid background. From here, you can hover over the navigation tabs to get to where you need to go! On mobile devices, you can click the > to expand the navigation tabs without having to click through every section to get to the page you need!
The menu icons are as follows: 12. The myGS icon will take you to the login page for myGS. This is where you will manage your membership and household, access the Volunteer Toolkit, and more!
13. The Spanish icon will take you to the Spanish version of the GSUSA website,
14. The search button will bring up the search bar - this will search our website for the keyword(s) you type. The results will include every webpage and document that includes the keyword(s). 15. The question mark will take you to our FAQ page, which houses the answers (or links to the answers) to our most frequently asked questions, such as how to transfer your membership to our council, where to find office hours, and how to stay up to date with GSHG communications and on social media! 16. The file folder icon will take you to our Forms and Documents page, which houses all of the files that have been uploaded to the website so that they can be found in one spot. This page also has a section that has all the links to online, external forms (such as WuFoo, JotForm, or Google survey forms) used by our departments. 17. The calendar icon takes you to our events listings on gsEvents. The events page will include all of the upcoming events for our council, including the events found in this Program Guide (at time of publication) and even more events that will be added to our plans as the 2025 Membership Year progresses!
Tips and Tricks! The menu icons will stay at the top of the page as long as you are on the GSHG website.
Program Guide 2024-2025 | Your Year of Fun
The website navigation tabs are: 18. The Discover tab directs website visitors to learn more about Girl Scouts of the USA and Girl Scouts of Historic Georgia. It has four sections: About Us, Our Council, News, and Visiting Savannah.
21. The Support Us tab is a dedicated space for our council fund development efforts, from giving campaigns to signature events. Each region has a section of the Support Us tab for their respective signature events where viewers can purchase tickets, view photos, and learn about our sponsors! The Support Us tab is also where website visitors can read about some of our council-level advocacy efforts. 22. The Members tab is divided into three sections: For Girl Scouts, For Volunteers, and Awards and Honors. This tab directs viewers to resources and information for registered members, as well as our awards and recognition efforts for our members! 23. The Camp tab directs website visitors to learn more about our camp properties - Camp Tanglewood, Camp Low, Camp Robert Lewis, and Camp Martha Johnston. From here, viewers can reserve camp for an event, join an Adopt-a-Camp Team, or register for summer camp!
19. The Get Involved tab directs future Girl Scouts, future volunteers, and alums to connect (and reconnect!) with Girl Scouts of Historic Georgia.
20. The Cookies tab houses important information for our product program department and our two product programs - the Girl Scout Cookie and the Fall Product Programs. There are recources for both programs for Girl Scouts and volunteers under this tab.
You can learn more about each tab on the next pages!
Tips and Tricks!
You’ll know that you’re on the Girl Scouts of Historic Georgia website because the GSHG servicemark will be in the top left corner of
Like the menu icons, the navigation tabs will also stay at the top of the page as long as you are on the GSHG website. By hovering over the navigation bar you can get to our most important pages (and the information on those pages!) with just one click ! The Navigation Tabs have the same names on mobile, they just go from top to bottom - rather than left to right. Click the > to expand the navigation tabs.
the webpage and the URL will read at the beginning!
GSUSA provides the template for the councils’ websites that each council get to customize quite a bit. Not everything can be changed, but we do our best to adjust what we can to give users the easiest experience. We hope that this guide proves to be a handy resource to help members best utilize the tool that is our website!
In the Discover Tab, you are discovering information about Girl Scouts! You might use resources in this tab to get the addresses for our service centers (they are also in the Program Guide and Annual Report, as well as other documents), to find an email address for someone on staff (you can also call Customer Care at 888-689-1912), to learn about the history of Girl Scouts (did you know that Girl Scouts was founded right here in Savannah, GA?!), to read about Girl Scouts in the news, or even to plan your trip to Savannah!
Example: If you wanted to read previous editions of 5 on Friday, you would hover over Discover and then click the e-Newsletter link under News !
If you need to go to the Get Involved tab, it’s probably because you are getting involved with Girl Scouts. This tab is mostly for potential new members or alums that are reconnecting with Girl Scouts.
Example: If you wanted to read previous editions of Daisy’s Dispatch, you would hover over Get Involved and then click the Daisy’s Dispatch link under Girl Scout Alums !
Program Guide 2024-2025 | Your Year of Fun
Tips and Tricks! If you cannot view these full lists, your screen may be zoomed in too far! You can click the Control and Minus button on your keyboard to zoom out ! (Or the Command and Minus buttons on Macs!)
In the Cookies+ tab, you will find all of the important resources for our product programs. Product programs are fundraisers for Girl Scouts, most famously - the Girl Scout Cookie Program . You would use this tab to find a cookie booth near you (during cookie season), read the Volunteer Cookie Manual, or even find information for Fall product.
Example: If you wanted to send cookies to our troops through Operation Cookies From Home, you would hover over Cookies+ and click the Donate Cookies link under Cookie Program !
In the Support Us tab, you find information regarding our council-level fundraising efforts! GSHG has six regions (Athens/Gainesville, Augusta, Savannah, Albany, Columbus, and Macon) where our staff hosts special events to support our Girl Scouts financially. We also have several giving societies that you can be part of - you will be recognized in our Annual Report for joining them. Example: If you wanted to register a team for S’morevivor, you would hover over Support Us and then click the Augusta Area link under Signature Events !
The Members tab houses information for people visiting the website who are already members ! You could go under this tab if you wanted to see what badges your Girl Scout could earn, get ready for your monthly Service Unit meeting, or learn about GSHG’s Gold Award Girl Scouts and their service projects! Example: If you wanted to register for an event in the Program Guide, you could click the calendar icon in the top right corner, or you could hover over Members and then click the Programs and Events link under For Girl Scouts !
The Camp tab is pretty concise - if you’re looking to camp with us, there are three ways you can do that: come to summer camp, volunteer with one of our Adopt-a-Camp Teams, or make a reservation for yourself, your family, your troop, or another group you’re a part of! Example: If you wanted to have a birthday party at Camp Martha Johnston, you would hover over Camp and then click the Reserve a Camp link! Once on that page, you’d just click the “Reserve” button under Camp Martha Johnston!
Program Guide 2024-2025 | Your Year of Fun
Frequently Needed Resources
Looking for a specific form or other information? The Forms and Documents page (get there by clicking the file folder icon!) includes links to some of the most frequently requested forms, documents, and other resources. The list is frequently updated as the council makes changes to forms and processing procedures. If you are unable to find a form you’re looking for, please contact the appropriate department using the Staff Directory or call Customer Care at 888-689-1912!
Program Registration
Read through all the program offerings and descriptions in this book and identify which events you’d like to attend, either with your troop or on your own! Visit and click on the “Calendar” icon on the top right. Search for the events you identified and click on “Register Now” to sign up for them with your myGS account.
Safety Ratios Safety Activity Checkpoints states Girl Scouts must maintain a girl-to-adult safety ratio. Unless listed otherwise for an activity, the safety ratios are as follows:
Girl Scout Grade Level
Grades Included
Events, Trips & Camping 2 non-related adults
Plus one additional adult for each
K-1 2-3 4-5 6-8
4 girls 6 girls 8 girls 10 girls 12 girls
6 girls
12 girls 16 girls 20 girls 24 girls
Attend the awesome events you’ve chosen!
Registration Registration is required by the published deadline for all events, unless indicated otherwise in the event description. Some events are free to attend, but we collect registrations to help get an idea of how many people will be attending the event (especially if we need to order food!) Most registrations close two weeks before the event takes place - we need this time to order supplies, finalize our attendee lists, email confirmations, and ensure the event goes as smooth as possible. Please do not wait until the last minute to register , as events may be canceled if interest is low. If you have registered for an event that gets canceled, we will send you a cancellation email. Registrations for vendor operated programs vary and are outlined in the event descriptions. Complete registration and payment in full will be processed in the order in which it is received. How To Register For Programs Online registration is fast and easy for both individual girls and/or troops. To register for an event, visit, and click the “Calendar” icon on the top right to locate your event. (Events are listed in chronological order.) Click on the event name which will open the event page. Once you’re there, click on the “Register Now” button to register for the event. Registrations will not be processed until payment is received in full. Payments can be made by Visa or MasterCard, check or Cookie Points. Cookie Points must be presented in person or mailed to the council office for processing. Confirmations will be emailed to the email address provided in the registration.
Senior and Ambassador
9-10 11-12
Financial Assistance Financial assistance may be available for girls to attend program events. An adult may initiate a request for aid by completing and submitting the Financial Assistance Application found on www. The council will notify the initiator of the amount of assistance, if any, to be awarded. Tagalongs Some programs are designed for girls and leaders only; others are designed for girls and their families, parents, or friends. Please ensure that programs are attended by girls of the appropriate grade levels. If you have questions about a tagalong, please contact the event director before registering. • the event is canceled by the council staff • you cancel your registration in writing four weeks prior to the event Refunds will be made by check or credit card, except in the case of GSHG Cookie Points payments, which cannot be refunded. These may be transferred to another program. Some events are subject to partial refund due to costs set by outside vendors. Troops and/or individuals who do not show up for a program event will not receive a refund. Refunds A full refund will be made if:
Program Guide 2024-2025 | Your Year of Fun
How to Find Our Programs Online:
There are two ways to find programs happening across our council’s footprint. You can view them on our website or on myGS.
Find Programs on Our Website
Look for this icon!
You can see all of the events in this Program Guide on our website (as long as the date hasn’t passed). According to the Website Navigation Guide (page 10), you can view upcoming events on the homepage of our website, as well as on our event calendar! To view all of our events, just click the “Calendar” icon in the top right corner of the website to see our events listings for the entire membership year.
All of our programs are named in a very specific way:
Program Name - City Name - Region Number
For example, if you saw an event titled, “Adulting 101 - Martinez - Region 2” You would know that the Adulting 101 program is in Region 2 (Augusta), but specifically in Martinez!
Please note, the search box on the events page does not filter by zip code, just keywords.
Did you know that if you type in it will take you right to our events?!
Find Programs on myGS
Look for this icon!
When logged into your myGS account, there is a way to find Girl Scouts events near you - this is an awesome tool because it will also show you events from our neighboring councils if you live near them!
This search engine requires your zip code and a distance radius to help populate the events nearby.
When searching for events in myGS, please be mindful that most of our programs are going to take place at one of our properties (listed on page 7). So, if you live 20 miles from one of our properties and have your distance set to 10 miles, no programs will populate. We recommend bookmarking so you don’t miss out on the fun!
All of our programs are named in a very specific way:
Program Name - City Name - Region Number
For example, if you saw an event titled, “Catch on to Cadettes - Athens - Region 1” You would know that the Catch on to Cadettes program is in Region 1 (Athens/Gainesville), but specifically in Athens!
If you see this icon, that means this event is already on our website and myGS and you can register* for it right now by clicking on it! *As long as the registration deadline hasn’t passed!
BONUS: Use this book!
Need help? Call our Customer Care Team at 888-689-1912!
What Kind of Events is GSHG Hosting?
When you view the events listing at, each one will have an icon beside it that will describe what kind of event or program it is. Here are a few of the icons you’re most likely to see: Council Program
Events planned by one of our program managers, event directors, or a member of our staff is a council program. It is usually based around our four program pillars and includes activities that may satisfy badge requirements but could also be something just for fun, like a parade! Registration for these events typically ends two weeks before events. Community Service Opportunity This is an event that will include an opportunity to earn volunteer hours. Volunteer hours can be earned during community service opportunities like Adopt-a-Camp work days! Registration for these events are usually free, but we ask that you do register so we have an idea of how many people to expect. Community Partner Event A community partner event is a program or event that we have planned with one of our sponsors or a local business that we have a close relationship with. Signature Event A signature event is one of our fundraising events hosted by the council - these events help fuel the female leadership pipeline and provide financial aid to Girl Scouts who would be unable to become members, attend our programming, or go to summer camp otherwise! Most ticketed events can take attendees up until the day of the event, unless otherwise noted. Troop Camp This is a camping event, usually over the course of a weekend, where we plan all aspects of the encampment for our troops to attend - programming, meals, lodging, and fun! This is an opportunity for girls to come camp with their troops and troop leaders and meet girls from other troops! Registration for troop camps is usually two weeks out to give us enough time to buy supplies and food! Unlike summer resident camps, these are not drop off events. Day Camp Day camps, like troop camps and resident camps, include exciting programming and fun adventures and are great for Girl Scouts who are not ready to spend the night away from home! Most of our day camps are drop-off events and take place during the work day! Registration for days camps usually ends two weeks before the beginning of camp. Registration for these events vary based on the request of our partners, but usually maintains the two-week-out deadline, unless otherwise noted.
Financial Aid Financial aid may be available for Girl Scouts to attend program events and summer camp. You can click or scan the QR code to go to our Financial Aid Application. If you have any questions, please call our Customer Care Team at 888-689-1912!
Program Guide 2024-2025 | Your Year of Fun
How GSHG Promotes Our Programs and Events We have so many exciting things happening across Girl Scouts of Historic Georgia! Make sure you stay up to date with our council by reading our communication streams so you don’t miss out on the fun! As a rule of thumb, we promote each event with at least three of these touchpoints!
Annually Program Guide Our Program Guide comes out every August. It includes programming for each region for the whole school year! It is a great resource to use with your Girl Scouts as you pick when events you’d like to attend this year! You can view it online at Daisy’s Dispatch Daisy’s Dispatch is our alum newsletter. It comes out three times per year, includes an update on what our alum group, Troop 2012, is doing around the council, invites alum to join us at upcoming signature events, and shares other news that alum may find interested! You can view them online at Program Quarterly E-Newsletter The Program Quarterly E-Newsletter is just what it sounds like! In December, March, June, and September we send a big email out inviting you to join us at the exciting programming we have coming up in the next quarter! We add programs throughout the year, so it’s a great tool to see what has been added after this book comes out! You can view them online at Service Unit Agendas Service Unit Agendas are a tool for Service Unit leadership teams. They include important monthly updates from each of the council departments for our Service Units to go over at their monthly meeting and forward to the troop leaders in their areas. You can view them online at 5 on Friday E-Newsletter We know that we have a lot to keep up with. 5 on Friday is a short, sweet glance into our council to make sure that you’re staying up to date with GSHG! 5 on Friday includes promotions for our upcoming events and programs, gives reminders about important council happenings, and spotlights some of our Girl Scouts every week! It includes links to two months of programming! You can view them online at Social Media Be sure to follow Girl Scouts of Historic Georgia on Facebook, Instagram, and on LinkedIn so that you can see all the amazing things we do throughout our communities! We put out information on our social channels almost every day! 3 Times Per Year Quarterly Monthly Weekly Daily
Hot Tip! Our email communications will go to the email address you use to log in to your myGS account. Make sure you’re opted in for emails so you don’t miss out!
Girl Scout Shop
Your Girl Scout Adventure Begins Now!
My Girl Scout Kit 1 – New and Bridging Girl Scouts This kit contains everything a girl needs for a great year in Girl Scouts. We’ve eliminated the guess work and included a handbook, journey book or memory book, American flag patch, insignia tab, world trefoil pin, and membership pin. Just select your official uniform item (tunic, sash, or vest), journey book, troop numerals, council ID set, and FREE BAG, and you’re on your way! My Girl Scout Kit 2 – Returning Girl Scouts The essentials kit is for a Girl Scout of any grade level who wants to select what they need for the year. Simply choose items from a list of official essentials; when your total reaches $60 for one grade level kit, you qualify for a FREE BAG. Let the adventures begin!
Girl Scout Brownie Ambassador
Girl Scout Daisy
Vest Tunic
Vest Sash
Flag Patch Insignia Tab World Pin Membership Pin ID Strip Set Troop Numbers
Flag Patch Insignia Tab World Pin Membership Pin ID Strip Set Troop Numbers
Henly Trefoil Tee
Henly Trefoil Tee
Girl Scout Shop Locations Visit our brick-and-mortar Girl Scout Shops today, and remember, you can always order online 24/7 at:
Athens 706-548-7297 185 Newton Bridge Road Athens, GA 30607 First Headquarters 888-223-3883
Savannah 912-988-8651
Shop Saturdays Visit our Athens, Savannah, or Macon Shop during Shop Saturday! Usually the first Saturday of the month! Mobile Shop New this year! We’ll be taking our Macon Shop on the road to Dot’s Little House! Third Tuesday of every month!
535 E. Liberty Street Savannah, GA 31401
Macon 478-935-2221 6869 Columbus Road Lizella, GA 31052
330 Drayton Street Savannah, GA 31401
Stay tuned for any additional pop up shops throughout the year!
Program Guide 2024-2025 | Your Year of Fun
Where to Place Insignia You’re proud of what you’ve achieved. Your Girl Scout uniform shows how much you’ve accomplished—and that you’re ready for what’s next. And each part of your Girl Scout uniform is as unique as you are. Girl Scouts from each grade level have one official uniform item (a sash, vest, or tunic) to display badges, pins, awards, and other insignia. This item is required when you participate in ceremonies or officially represent Girl Scouts. You can wear your sash, vest, or tunic over official Girl Scout gear or over a white shirt and khaki pants or skirt. Depending on grade level, official uniform items may be blue, brown, green, or khaki.
Need help with where to place badges, pins, awards, and other insignia? Check out the Girl Scout vest uniform diagrams above or see sash and cargo vest placement here.
Save the date! Use this calendar to write down all the programs you want to come to this year!
September 2024
October 2024
30: High Award Paperwork Deadline Fall Product Rallies
11: International Day of the Girl 31: Juliette Gordon Low’s Birthday
Hispanic Heritage Month Begins
Hispanic Heritage Month Ends
November 2024
December 2024 16: Wreaths Across America
11: Veteran’s Day 23: Thanksgiving
Camp Guide Comes Out Winter Break, Offices Closed
Native American Heritage Month
January 2025
February 2025
2: Cookie Program Begins Cookie Rallies
22: World Thinking Day Camp Registration Begins
Black History Month
Program Guide 2024-2025 | Your Year of Fun
We are always adding new events to our programming, so be sure to bookmark our Events webpage,!
March 2025
April 2025
10-16: Girl Scout Week 12: Girl Scouts Birthday 30: High Awards Paperwork Deadline
22: Earth Day
National Volunteer Month, Month of the Military Child
Women’s History Month
May 2025
June 2025
19: Juneteenth 21: Bridging Savannah’s Bridge GSHG Summer Camp
Asian American Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander Heritage Month
LGBTQ+ Pride Month
July 2025
August 2025
10: National S’mores Day
4: Independence Day GSHG Summer Camp
Program Guide Comes Out
Scan here to register now!
Program Guide 2024-2025 | Your Year of Fun
SUMMER SUMMIT Team Challenge and Family Fun Day
Saturday, June 7, 2025 at Felker Park 725 S. Madison Ave. Monroe, GA 30655 Save the Date
The Event Join us for a summer day of outdoor activities and experience all the fun of summer camp at our community-wide family fun event. Gather your team
of four and participate in engaging outdoor competitions designed for all ages. From archery and axethrowing to fun and silly relays and a scavenger hunt, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Don’t forget to refuel at our tempting array of food trucks offering delicious lunch options throughout the day. Whether you’re here to compete, cheer on teams, or simply savor the food and atmosphere, this event promises a memorable experience for the entire family. The Cause Funds raised through this annual event will support programming for girls in Georgia from kindergarten to 12th grade and provide them with the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. Girl Scouts provides a wide variety of opportunities for girls to prepare for a lifetime of leadership through badge work, career exploration, hands-on activities, community service, entrepreneurial endeavors, outdoor adventures, life skills training, and STEM programming.
Who attends?
Summer Summit is open to everyone - businesses, families, military personnel, scout troops, and friend groups. The team challenge event provides an excellent opportunity for team building in a fun, challenging, and competitive way. These physical and mental challenges create strong teams, heighten creativity, and build partnerships. There are three divisions in the team challenge - corporate, community, and Girl Scout troop - with prizes and trophies for top finishers. The first place corporate team receives not only bragging rights, but a large trophy engraved with the winning business name to display for a year!
Region 1: Athens/Gainesville
Get ready for fun! Included in this spread are this year’s events taking place in the Athens and Gainesville area.
Have a question? Reach out to your program manager, Christina Smashey-Smith at, or give us a call - 888-689-1912!
Scan or click here to view all Region 1 events online!
We are always adding new events to our programming, so be sure to bookmark our events webpage, !
Catch on to Cadettes Athens Office August 16, 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Design Divas Athens Office September 19, 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Welcome to Cadettes! You’re growing up fast and there are limitless possibilities ahead, so let’s play - Cadette style! Join us for a Friday night party! We’ll adventure through an RPG Take Action project and sample some of the fun available to you as a Cadette. $10 per Girl Scout, $2 per adult Please register by August 2 Cadette Breathe Journey Weekend Athens Office August 30, 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. (virtual) August 31, 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. September 1, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Are you ready for a Journey that will activate your senses to your surroundings? Are you curious about earning the Silver Award? Completing this Journey weekend and a Take Action project will set you up to take things to the next level! Get ready to engage with and change your world! Deep breath! This weekend will leave you having earned the Aware award and set you on the path to completing the Take Action portion required to complete the journey. $60 per Girl Scout, $10 per adult Please register by August 16 Embraceable You - Fall Product Rally Athens Office September 14, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Embrace possibility and come have an “elephant-astic” time during our 2024 Fall Product rally. Welcome back your sister Girl Scouts, make new friends, and discover our fall mascot, the Asian elephant! $3 per Girl Scout Please register by August 30 ✓ ✓
Daisy and Brownie Girls Scouts, your mission is to design and create! You are the creator and the mechanical engineer in these fun toy challenges. Sure, you’ll learn mechanical engineering principles, but most importantly- we’ll have fun! Create games, build fast cars, and make things leap and fly and go loopdiloo! At this Design Divas, we’ll work on our Daisy Board Game Design and Brownie Leap Bot badges! $8 per Girl Scout Please register by September 5 Daisy and Brownie Girls Scouts, your mission is to design and create! You are the creator and the mechanical engineer in these fun toy challenges. At this Design Divas, we’ll work on our Daisy Model Car and Brownie Race Car badges! $8 per Girl Scout Please register by October 3 Robotics: Girl Scout Style! Athens Office November 16, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Beep boop! Transmission binary code: do you want to build a robot? What do robots do? What makes them tick, whir, and beep? Join us to find out! We will check out robots of all kinds and work with Lego spike robotics to earn components of the Junior and Cadette ✓ ✓ Design Divas Athens Office October 17, 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Robotics badges! $20 per Girl Scout Please register by November 1
Program Guide 2024-2025 | Your Year of Fun
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