GSHG Program Guide 2024
Girls are the heart of our organization.
We know there is a lot to learn when you first join Girl Scouts - but we’re here to help walk you through it! We encourage you to read this year’s Program Guide so you know what to expect within our council this school year!
Service Unit
Here is some Girl Scout lingo you should know!
Girl Scout: Usually refers to girls who are members of Girl Scouts, but all members of our organization are Girl Scouts - even dads and other adult volunteers! Troop: Girls can participate in Girl Scouts in a troop - a small group with at least two background checked and trained adult members called troop leaders. Volunteer: Volunteers are adult members who work with Girl Scouts - these volunteer positions range from being a troop leader, to being on their Service Unit Leadership Teams, to even being the cookie mom for your troop! Juliette/Independently Registered Member: Girls can also participate in Girl Scouts on their own as a Juliette - usually their parents facilitiate the badgework. You may see this refered to as an IRM (Independently Registered Member) or an IRG (Independently Registered Girl). Service Unit: Our troops are organized into Service Units - most Service Units have a team of adult members who help council staff get information dispersed to all of out troops. Service Units sometimes host events where multiple troops in the area can join! Region: Girl Scouts of Historic Georgia is divided into six regions - you’ll see more about that on page 7. You will also know what region someone is in in based on their troop number - for example, Troop 31912 would be in our Savannah region! Council: Girl Scouts of the United States of America (GSUSA) is organized into councils - there are over 100 Girl Scout councils in the United States. Girl Scouts of Historic Georgia (GSHG) includes Savannah, GA - where Girl Scouts was founded - and covers most of the state of Georgia. Girl Scouts of the United States of America: Girl Scouts of the United States of America (GSUSA) is our parent organization - headquartered now in New York City. Juliette Gordon Low: Juliette Gordon Low is our organization’s founder.
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