GSHG Summer Camp Guide 2025

What Does Your Day Camper Need To Bring?

• White T-shirt to tie dye (we’ll let you know what day) • Raincoat, sweatshirt, or light jacket (you never know) • Reusable water bottle, clearly labeled with name • Spare day bag or back pack to store water bottle, sunscreen, etc. to and from activities during the day. • Sunscreen • Toiletries, as desired: hairbrush, ponytail holders, deodorant, sanitary items • Many girls also enjoy bringing a stuffed animal, a book, travel sized games, or a deck of cards • Packed lunch with an ice pack (we do not have fridges) that is clearly labeled with child’s name. No nut products, please. • A sit upon, as desired

What to Leave at Home

• Electronics • Cell phones • Tablets • iPods, Bluetooth Speakers • Game Boys, Switch • Fans • Curling irons or blow dyers • Food, gum, candy GSHG is not responsible for any of these items being lost or broken while a camper is at day camp.

About Day Camp

Day camp runs from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., daily, with after care until 5:30 p.m. for an additional fee of $25 per week. Day camps will take place at our Savannah, Albany, and Columbus Service Centers operated by GSHG staff. If you haven’t had the chance to partake in Girl Scout programming at our council offices yet, there is no time like summer time to join in on the fun! Day camp is perfect for Girl Scouts who love to explore new ideas, go on adventures, and make lasting friendships in a fun environment, but who also would like to have dinner with their families and spend the night in their own beds after an activity filled day!

Important Tips to Remember • Campers should dress for an active lifestyle. • Light colored, comfortably fitting clothing is recommended. Please leave any offensive clothing or any clothing advertising alcohol or tobacco at home. • Keep forms or medication handy! They will be needed at check-in on the first day. • Leave valuables at home. Girl Scouts of Historic Georgia is not responsible for items lost or left at camp.

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