GSHG Summer Camp Guide 2025
Playing the Past June 22 - June 27
Week 4
Travel through time as you listen to and playout stories from the history of Camp Martha Johnston. Brownies will play games from days gone by and discover camp traditions your parents and grandparents knew. From the 1920s to today Girl Scouts have been outdoors learning skills to benefit you for years to come. This camp week is filled with experiencing past ideas and trying out new ones from crafts to camping skills! Girl Scout Brownies will earn their Girl Scouts Ways badge during this fun week of camp. Get your pioneer skills out! This week is all about exploring how girls camped at Camp Martha Johnston and learning how we camp today! Become a history sleuth as you explore throughout the week discovering old skills and putting them into place! You’ll practice your hand at crafts from days gone by and finish off with extreme tie dye. By weeks end, you’ll have earned your Junior Girl Scout Ways Badge! Camp this week is all about looking back and looking ahead! You’ll get to work on your outdoor skills while exploring the history of Camp Martha Johnston! From fire building to primitive shelters, Cadettes will get firsthand experiences in outdoor skills. Friends, crafts and S’mores will round out your week as you prepare to lead our camp ceremony marking the 100th anniversary!
Brownie Campers
Junior Campers
Cadette Campers
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